PRESS RELEASE: Health Care Access Now requesting proposals for Hub partner agencies
Health Care Access Now (HCAN) seeks partner organizations to apply to become Care Coordination Agencies (CCA). CCAs will be part of the Pathways Community HUB (Hub) network, for which HCAN acts as the director for the Cincinnati region.
- CCAs will work within the framework provided by the Hub, deploying Community Health Workers (CHWs) with a goal for servicing approximately 30-40 active clients per CHW.
- The Hub is an evidence-based model that identifies typical barriers to good health outcomes, such as education, safety, and transportation. This allows CHWs to service at-risk community members by assessing and addressing specific needs.
Interested parties can learn more about CCA expectations here and apply to become a partner agency here. Application deadline is March 19, 2021.
As the Pathways Community HUB (Hub) director for the Cincinnati region, Health Care Access Now (HCAN) partners with outside organizations to dispatch their own certified Community Health Workers (CHWs) using the Hub model. The Hub is an evidence-based framework that acts as a system CHWs use to identify and address at-risk client needs. The Hub also provides a data feedback loop that demonstrates the efficacy of CHWs.
HCAN currently works with nine partner agencies, referred to as Care Coordination Agencies (CCAs), including the City of Cincinnati Health Department, Sojourner Recovery Services and Mercy Health.
“CHWs who work through the Hub reduce health care inequity for vulnerable populations,” says Sarah Mills, CEO. “Our most recently completed data set shows that member Hubs [of which HCAN is one example] averaged 643 clients per month and completed 1,629 successful outcomes; that’s a demonstrable impact on community health.”
HCAN seeks additional partner agencies to join the Hub. Expectations of CCAs include deploying certified CHWs to provide health-based care coordination in the Cincinnati region, while maintaining fidelity to the Pathways Hub model. Active care coordination involves enrolling new clients in the Hub, conducting monthly visits with the client, identifying barriers and providing resources to address client needs, as well as entering data and documentation into the Hub system.
A more detailed list of expectations can be found here. To view and complete the Hub Partner Agency Request for Proposal, go here. Ideal CCAs have experience serving Medicaid-eligible populations with the goal of reducing low birthweight, premature birth, infant mortality and chronic disease.
“Partner agencies allow HCAN to expand its health care coordination efforts,” says Mills. “Good health care isn’t just about seeing the doctor regularly. Care coordination helps provide resources to improve areas of life that can prevent at-risk clients from achieving good health. CHWs work directly with clients to help remove barriers like transportation, education and child care issues – and more.”
CCAs benefit because their CHWs can access the Hub framework and training, which allows them to better serve the community. Metrics also improve service effectiveness and help partners demonstrate the value of their CHWs’ work. Interested organizations should fill out the Partner Agency RFP by March 19, 2021.
Media contact:
Melinda Spong
Administrative Specialist and Development Coordinator
Office: 513-707-5696