Housing for elderly people: Specific needs, greater expense
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Housing for elderly people: Specific needs, greater expense

Imagine your house turning against you. The stairs to the basement become dangerous. The bathroom becomes a place where you could easily seriously injure yourself. Many people find that the places they’ve lived for most of their lives don’t suit them any longer as they age. What do they do then? “The most pressing issue…

CHWs work with clients to improve housing situations
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CHWs work with clients to improve housing situations

“Housing should be fair for everyone. Even if you need low-income housing or are coming through a housing program, you should still expect a standard,” says Giacoma Telich, Community Health Worker (CHW) for Health Care Access Now (HCAN). Many factors contribute to whether housing is suitable, she states. The bare minimum is “housing that does…

Low-income housing and landlord loopholes

Low-income housing and landlord loopholes

The Housing Choice Voucher Program (formerly called Section 8) is a part of the Housing Act of 1937. The program was initiated in the early 1970s to assist low-income households with housing costs. People who receive vouchers—usually after a lengthy stay on a waiting list—have a limited period to find a place to live. It’s…

Community Health Workers’ Housing Educations
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Community Health Workers’ Housing Educations

Health Care Access Now (HCAN) trains and dispatches Community Health Workers (CHWs) to assist vulnerable people in the Cincinnati community so they can achieve good health outcomes. Using the Pathways Community HUB model (HUB), CHWs identify and help remove clients’ obstacles to a healthy life. CHWs provide Educations on each of these barriers.  One such…

The link between housing and mental health
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The link between housing and mental health

“She went from homeless to a stable situation.” Denise Harris, Director, Care Coordination Services at Health Care Access Now (HCAN) and Licensed Professional Counselor, tells the story of a client whose whole life improved because of a housing change. With the assistance of her HCAN Community Health Worker (CHW), this woman moved into a community…

Rents keep climbing, affecting health negatively
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Rents keep climbing, affecting health negatively

The practice of redlining, or racial segregation and discriminatory practices in the real estate industry, started to be exercised about a hundred years ago.  In many U.S. cities, certain neighborhoods were identified as “hazardous” based on the racial makeup of their inhabitants. Then, lending institutions used this information to deny home loans to people from…

Logan Towers provides quality housing

Logan Towers provides quality housing

Imagine that you live in Over-the-Rhine in one of the only apartments you can afford. It’s unsafe, quite run-down, and the utilities aren’t reliable. When something breaks, you’re not sure if it will be fixed. You don’t have access to private transportation, and public transportation isn’t always in your budget, so you’re grateful to have…

Not enough suitable housing in Cincinnati

Not enough suitable housing in Cincinnati

Health can be affected by many social determinants, including access to affordable housing. If an individual struggles to make rent or mortgage payments, that person likely has limited resources for other necessities that can impact health.  According to the Center for Housing Policy, “Affordable housing alleviates crowding and makes more household resources available to pay…

Seth Walsh: Elevating community
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Seth Walsh: Elevating community

Seth Walsh, Executive Director of the College Hill Community Urban Redevelopment Corporation (College Hill CURC), says it’s possible to do development right—as long as developers work with the community and stay true to its essence. College Hill CURC has been in existence for more than 20 years, and it has always been community-led. “For the…