Children living in poverty in Cincinnati, Ohio

How low wages perpetuate poverty

When someone receives a low wage for their labor, that often translates into living in poverty. Seems like common sense, right?  Yet, the belief persists that certain jobs—fast food, wait staff, childcare workers, and housekeepers, as examples—should be paid poverty wages. Often, that’s linked to the idea that these are part-time jobs performed by young…


PRESS RELEASE: HCAN projects help with housing crisis

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Health Care Access Now (HCAN) focuses on helping its clients overcome obstacles to good health outcomes. One serious barrier for low income or vulnerable community members is access to suitable housing. HCAN’s Community Health Workers (CHWs) have implemented new projects to alleviate the health problems that can arise from living in unsuitable…


PRESS RELEASE: HCAN awarded $8,000 grant to support field work

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Health Care Access Now (HCAN) has received a grant in the amount of $8,000 from The HealthPath Foundation of Ohio as part of its Community Connections initiative for use in general operations. HCAN acts as the Pathways Community HUB (Hub) for the region and will apply the funds to support the work…

Dr. Collins, Health Care Access Now board chair
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Dr. Robert Collins: HCAN board visionary

Dr. Robert Collins spent much of his career in private practice. He moved into administrative work as the Executive Medical Director of Bethesda North and the now-closed Bethesda Oak. While at that position, he became aware of Health Care Access Now through a colleague who was a board member at the time.  Nine years ago,…

Care Coordination in Cincinnati

What is Care Coordination?

The term “Care Coordination” is most commonly associated with medical providers, like doctors and nurses. In the medical provider realm care coordination is undertaken by multiple doctors who agree to share their findings concerning their common patient. The goal of their coordinated care is to improve health outcomes and also simultaneously reduce health care costs,…

Interview with Giacoma Telich Health Care Access Now
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Seeing the breakthrough with CHW Giacoma Telich

Giacoma Telich, Certified Community Health Worker at HCAN, refers to herself as a “big encourager.” One element of her job that she finds most satisfying is connecting with new people and seeing their breakthroughs. “I can walk into a situation where people have a wall up, but by the end of the day, we’re hugging,”…

Community Health Worker Certification Program graduates

HCAN celebrates Community Health Worker Certification Program grads

Sometimes you have an experience in life that changes everything. Something touches you and your perspective shifts forever. Even if we anticipate that an experience will be meaningful we never really know how it will affect us. Who will we be at the end of it all? Anyone who has had a positive shift in…

It's A Great Time To Be A Dad!

HCAN highlights important role of fathers at 3rd annual Dad event

Our 3rd annual It’s A Great Time to Be A Dad! was held Sunday, Sept. 15, 2019, at the Cincinnati Reds Urban Youth Academy. The annual event serves as an extension of our Maternal & Child Care Coordination program by encouraging men to see their important role in helping to raise healthy children. There were…