Self-care for the Community Health Worker

Self-care at any age: For the young—and the young-at-heart

The Community Health Workers (CHWs) that work one-on-one with Health Care Access Now (HCAN)’s clients give so much of themselves. “If we have 30 clients, they have 30 plus different situations,” says Jessica Hines, HCAN CHW. That requires her to bring all her knowledge and ingenuity to every encounter. She wants to do the best…

Community Health Workers find primary care doctor
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How Community Health Workers help clients establish medical homes

Health Care Access Now (HCAN)’s clients often face obstacles—like lack of childcare or transportation—that keep them from seeing doctors regularly. In other words, they don’t have a medical home.  Lynniece Scurry, Community Health Worker (CHW) for HCAN, says it’s important to help her clients find a primary care physician that can act as a medical home because…

CHWs Work with Clients to Improve Housing Situations
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CHWs work with clients to improve housing situations

“Housing should be fair for everyone. Even if you need low-income housing or are coming through a housing program, you should still expect a standard,” says Giacoma Telich, Community Health Worker (CHW) for Health Care Access Now (HCAN). Many factors contribute to whether housing is suitable, she states. The bare minimum is “housing that does…

Affordable housing in Cincinnati
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Community Health Workers’ Housing Educations

Health Care Access Now (HCAN) trains and dispatches Community Health Workers (CHWs) to assist vulnerable people in the Cincinnati community so they can achieve good health outcomes. Using the Pathways Community HUB model (HUB), CHWs identify and help remove clients’ obstacles to a healthy life. CHWs provide Educations on each of these barriers.  One such…

Cincinnati Community Health Worker
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Tessa Johnson: Building relationships to make a difference

During the first year Tessa Johnson worked as a paraprofessional for the Cincinnati Public School system, she felt overwhelmed. She knew the children she helped needed more than just school support. Understanding she couldn’t reach everyone was a tough pill to swallow.  But she persevered, and now she gets messages from former students thanking her…

Cincinnati Community Health Worker
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April Biggers: Vital part of the community

April Biggers joined the Community Health Worker (CHW) program at Health Care Access Now (HCAN) on the advice of a friend—now co-worker—who raved about the position. “I knew I wanted a career, not just a job. I wanted somewhere I could grow and flourish. I wanted to be able to make a difference,” she says….

COVID “Educations” support, don’t judge
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COVID “Educations” support, don’t judge

Health Care Access Now (HCAN) and its Community Health Workers (CHWs) have been on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic. “It’s affecting all of us at the same time,” says Bettie Johnson, HUB Operations Coordinator for HCAN. As a result, they are careful to use a sensitive and non-judgmental approach to the COVID-19 Educations…

Maternal Health Care Cincinnati, Ohio
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Dominique Johnson: Relating to clients and making a difference

Dominique Johnson spent 12 years working as a nurse before she trained as a Community Health Worker for Health Care Access Now.  “When you’re a nurse, you’re more hands-on [during health issues], but as a Community Health Worker, you can see the problems on the back end,” she says. That allows her to remedy the…