Ohio Commission on Minority Health continues commitment to Health Care Access Now

Ohio Commission on Minority Health (OCMH) has generously awarded $288,000 to Health Care Access Now for calendar year 2020. This marks the fifth consecutive year that HCAN has received this award.
HCAN will use these funds to deliver the Pathways Community HUB model, an evidence-based approach focused on decreasing infant mortality. This grant will provide support for training, evaluation, outreach services and project management for the HCAN network. HCAN Chief Executive Officer, Sarah Mills explains, “The initiative serves all at risk women, but we target African American women due to the disproportionate impact that poor birth outcomes and infant mortality disparities have in that specific target population.”
Health Care Access Now coordinates and operates a network of partnering Care Coordination Agencies. Each partner employs Community Health Workers to ensure that the necessary resources and services are in place to support a healthy pregnancy.