It’s time to sign up for health insurance

Get Health Insurance

Everyone needs health insurance. Going without insurance is a huge risk that unfortunately some are willing to take. Some take the risk unknowingly because they don’t understand how or where to acquire insurance. Health Care Access Now can help you get health insurance. 

Open Enrollment is Nov. 1-Dec. 15, 2019

If you don’t have insurance through your employer then you’ll need a plan offered through the market place. In Ohio we purchase plans through the federal exchange. There are several ways to apply:  

Any of these applications will determine if you qualify for financial assistance or Medicaid.

sign up for health insurance

You may qualify for financial assistance

There is money available to help you pay for insurance. Federal poverty levels are used to determine your eligibility for savings on Marketplace health insurance, Medicaid and CHIP coverage. For instance, a family of four earning $50,000 per year would receive assistance to lower the monthly premium for the parents to $196. The two children would qualify for Medicaid which costs $0 per month. 

Do you need help? 

Health Care Access Now can help you get health insurance. We have Certified Application Counselors to help you navigate the health insurance application process. This service is available to you free of charge. Our counselors will help you understand how the insurance system works, how to determine if you are eligible for financial assistance and even help you find a doctor.

To schedule an appointment with a counselor please call 513-707-5697.

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