Let’s talk about mental health: Reducing the stigma and boosting self-care

Let’s talk about mental health: Reducing the stigma and boosting self-care

More than one in five adults in the United States is living with a mental illness. The same is true for youth ages 13-18.  Cincinnati nonprofit 1N5 takes its name from that statistic. Its mission is to “prevent suicide by erasing the stigma of mental illness and promoting optimal mental wellness.” Start at the beginning…

What is mindful self-compassion? How does it affect health?
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What is mindful self-compassion? How does it affect health?

What does the voice in your head sound like? Are you your own worst critic? When you make a mistake at work, what do you say to yourself? Some people berate themselves: “That was stupid. You know better than that. Now you’re going to get fired.”  What about when you’re at home and you make…

Mental health and the holidays: stress and expectations can displace cheer

Mental health and the holidays: stress and expectations can displace cheer

The holidays are meant to be a joyful time. You’re supposed to be filled with cheer, take time to reconnect with family, and enjoy the process of giving and receiving gifts. You’re supposed to make memories that will be cherished for years to come.  Decorate, cook, bake, buy, wrap, plan, budget, sacrifice: A lot falls…

Cathy Boston: Encouraging the greatness within
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Cathy Boston: Encouraging the greatness within

Cathy Boston’s background in Human Resources has allowed her to develop expertise in empowering people “to become their best selves.” She tells the story of how her business, STATEMENTS by Cathy Boston, LLC, came about.  In her previous position, she was responsible for internal training and development. “I was asked to do stress management training…

The opioid epidemic: Black community disproportionately affected
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The opioid epidemic: Black community disproportionately affected

The COVID-19 pandemic has aggravated many existing societal problems, including addiction. Over the last year, “Deaths attributed to synthetic opioids, mainly fentanyl, increased 38 percent nationwide”. The Ohio death rate from opioid overdose was at its highest in 10 years during the second quarter of 2020. Three waves At the onset of the opioid crisis,…

Dr. Kamaria Tyehimba: Dismantling racial bias in addiction services
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Dr. Kamaria Tyehimba: Dismantling racial bias in addiction services

When the topic of addiction comes up, the opioid epidemic is currently top of mind for most people. How do you think about those who are addicted to prescription pain relievers, heroin, or fentanyl? Does race affect whether you label the addict as a victim or a villain? It shouldn’t. Dr. Kamaria Tyehimba, who oversees…

Two phrases that show implicit bias in mental health services
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Two phrases that show implicit bias in mental health services

Everyone – even those with the best intentions – holds implicit biases towards others. This happens because your brain takes shortcuts and makes snap judgments based on what’s familiar to you, particularly when you’re in high-stakes situations. A lot of mental health providers have considered their own implicit biases and moved toward correcting them. But…