Self-care and substance use disorder: A powerful tool
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Self-care and substance use disorder: A powerful tool

One of the most powerful tools in substance use disorder recovery is self-care. And it works equally well for those on both sides of the equation: the people who are in recovery and their loved ones. Kellen Hicks, Drug and Alcohol Counselor, MS, LICDCCS, Cincy Pride Counseling, says self-care can help those affected by substance…

What is mindful self-compassion? How does it affect health?
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What is mindful self-compassion? How does it affect health?

What does the voice in your head sound like? Are you your own worst critic? When you make a mistake at work, what do you say to yourself? Some people berate themselves: “That was stupid. You know better than that. Now you’re going to get fired.”  What about when you’re at home and you make…

The opioid epidemic: Black community disproportionately affected
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The opioid epidemic: Black community disproportionately affected

The COVID-19 pandemic has aggravated many existing societal problems, including addiction. Over the last year, “Deaths attributed to synthetic opioids, mainly fentanyl, increased 38 percent nationwide”. The Ohio death rate from opioid overdose was at its highest in 10 years during the second quarter of 2020. Three waves At the onset of the opioid crisis,…