Community Health Workers support clients with chronic illness, Cincinnati, Ohio
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Support in Managing Chronic Illness: How CHWs Help

Coping with chronic disease can feel like a part-time job. People with chronic illnesses have to attend more frequent medical appointments, make sure they stay on top of their medication, and even do things like change their diet to manage disease progression. Doing all of that can take a mental toll. James Stringer, Community Health…

Health is not just health care, Cincinnati, Ohio
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Health is not just determined by health care: Surviving isn’t enough 

The study of the intersection of social sciences and physical health has revealed that good health outcomes are profoundly affected by life and demographic factors. According to the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, a division of the Department of Health and Human Services, there are five domains into which social determinants of health…

Domestic Violence and Gun Safety in Cincinnati, Ohio
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The role of weapons in domestic and intimate partner violence

Power and control. That’s what domestic violence is about.  When you add a firearm into the equation, “Survivors experience a high level of fear because they know the reality of weapons. It can cause them to make extreme choices for their safety,” says Amy Bleser, Chief Operations Officer at Women Helping Women. “It’s a very…

Chronic disease: Issues faced by an aging population

Chronic disease: Issues faced by an aging population

People expect that their physical health will slowly deteriorate as they age. We all know it will happen. It’s just a matter of when it occurs and the severity and swiftness of the decline. Here are some common issues that elderly people commonly face, coupled with some recommendations for keeping illness at bay for as…

Community Health Workers help the elderly live their best lives.
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Healthy, happy, and safe: Helping elderly people live their best lives

Aging affects all of us differently.  “Human beings are complex. Life is complex. There’s a long list of health troubles we might experience as we get older,” says Dr. Douglas Smucker, Medical Advisor for the Council on Aging of Southwestern Ohio.  But, as we age, the chance of experiencing a chronic condition—or “an ongoing condition…

Stress of caregiving, Cincinnati, Ohio

Multigenerational caregiving takes its toll 

It’s difficult enough to care for young children.It’s difficult enough to care for an elderly parent.What about if you have to care for both, at the same time?   For some people, “sandwich caregiving,” as it has been termed, is a way of life.  As an aging adult’s ability to perform everyday activities erodes, relatives often…

Community Health Workers help seniors find safe housing in Cincinnati, Ohio.
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Housing for elderly people: Specific needs, greater expense

Imagine your house turning against you. The stairs to the basement become dangerous. The bathroom becomes a place where you could easily seriously injure yourself. Many people find that the places they’ve lived for most of their lives don’t suit them any longer as they age. What do they do then? “The most pressing issue…

Community Health Workers help the elderly in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Cognitive decline in elderly people: Early warning signs

No one wants to lose their memory. It’s a terrifying prospect.  And cognitive decline isn’t just about losing your memory; it’s about not being able to think like you used to. For example, you might be confused by abstract concepts, have trouble with decision-making, or not understand friends’ and families’ conversations. Cognitive decline can make…

Preventative vs. emergency care, Cincinnati Ohio
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Medical home good for everyone: preventative care is better than emergency care

When a person has a “medical home,” it means they have relationships with providers for all their health needs. They can see those providers for regular tests and preventative care, as well as when they’re experiencing health issues.  Having a medical home isn’t just about establishing primary care, but also dental and vision care, OB-GYN…