Homelessness in Cincinnati, Ohio and it's impact on health.

Homelessness and health: Lifelong issues

The Homeless Coalition’s advocacy efforts do an incredible amount for people who are at risk for or experiencing homelessness. The list of services is exhaustive, but Dr. Mark Mussman, Director of Education at The Homeless Coalition, concentrates on work that raises people’s understanding about homelessness.  Just a few of those initiatives include “walking tours in…

Are average wages fair?

Are average wages fair?

There are a lot of numbers readily available for people who are interested in average wages locally, statewide, and nationwide. We’ll run through those numbers and discuss why they might not show the whole picture. National average wages The national average or all occupations is $29.76/hour. That translates to about $61,900/year. We’ve already discussed what…

Financial instability and women's health.
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Women’s health and financial instability: Poverty affects choices

The Center for Community Solutions, a nonpartisan, nonprofit think tank focusing on health, social, and economic issues in Ohio, has concentrated on research, analysis, and advocacy to improve the wellbeing of Ohioans for the last 110 years. Angela Maher, Research Associate for The Center for Community Solutions, says that its success lies in its connection…

Environmental factors and poverty, Cincinnati, Ohio

Social needs and social risks: How environmental factors affect health

“In the United States, structures have been created to benefit those who are in power,” which means that people who are not in power face additional hardships that can affect their health, says Tiffany White. White is the Health Programs Manager, Healthy Communities Program, Cincinnati Health Department. She facilitates the Live-Work-Play Cincinnati Coalition. “Live-Work-Play is…

Improving maternal health in Cincinnati, OH

Why join the Hub

What is the Pathways Community HUB Institute(SM) Model? Health Care Access Now (HCAN)’s Community Health Workers (CHWs) use the Pathways Community HUB Institute(SM) Model (PCHI(SM) Model), an evidence-based framework for assessing and overcoming barriers to good health outcomes for program participants. The model tracks program participants’ progress, which is also used to bill insurance and…

PRESS RELEASE: $25,000 grant from The Data for Equity Funding Collaborative awarded to HCAN

Health Care Access Now (HCAN) received funding from The Data for Equity Funding Collaborative in the amount of $25,000. The Data for Equity Funding Collaborative is a group effort between bi3, HealthPath Foundation of Ohio, and Interact for Health. HCAN trains and deploys Community Health Workers (CHWs) to provide community-based care coordination services, identifying social…

Children living in poverty in Cincinnati, Ohio

How low wages perpetuate poverty

When someone receives a low wage for their labor, that often translates into living in poverty. Seems like common sense, right?  Yet, the belief persists that certain jobs—fast food, wait staff, childcare workers, and housekeepers, as examples—should be paid poverty wages. Often, that’s linked to the idea that these are part-time jobs performed by young…

How fair wages affects health in Cincinnati, Ohio. Community Health Workers can help.

What is a fair wage?

In the wage debate, you’ll hear different descriptors of wages: fair wage, minimum wage, living wage, poverty wage. Each of these has different meanings and connotations. Poverty wage is pretty easy to figure out. If you make a poverty wage, you are working full time and still fall below the poverty line.  Minimum wage is…

Health Care Access Now client testimonials

Good influence, great results: HCAN client story

Stephanie had lost her home. She and her family were living in a hotel and didn’t have regular access to nutritious food. To complicate matters, Stephanie suffers from a chronic illness that affects her daily. She needs multiple medications to manage her condition, and when she’s sick, she can’t work. Enter Jessica Hines, Community Health…

7 Tips for Safe Gun Ownership

7 tips for safe gun ownership

Gun owners have special responsibilities. The following tips are recommended for safe gun ownership: 1. Lock up your weapons. When not carrying your gun, make certain that it’s appropriately stored. That doesn’t just mean hiding it! You can both lock your gun with a trigger or cable lock and/or place it in a locked safe…