How diet and exercise can influence chronic illness.

How Diet and Exercise Can Influence Chronic Illness

Chronic illnesses may affect all sorts of body systems.  For example, diabetes can affect the cardiovascular system, the eyes, kidneys, nerves, skin, and teeth. Arthritis affects muscles, bones, joints, and—depending on the type of arthritis—the associated inflammation can affect other body systems, such as the heart or the skin. Chronic kidney disease affects the kidneys,…

Chronic illness in Ohio ranks among the worst in the United States.
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What Is a Chronic Illness?

Six in 10 Americans are living with conditions that limit the way they live or require regular medical attention. When these kinds of conditions develop slowly over time and last for longer than a year, they are referred to as chronic disease. Chronic disease should not be confused with acute conditions, which develop suddenly and…

How Political Rhetoric Affects Immigrants’ Ability to Access Health Care
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“The Community Is Terrified”: How Political Rhetoric Affects Immigrants’ Ability to Access Health Care

Undocumented immigrants struggle when they need to access medical care. “Undocumented immigrants don’t have access to insurance; they can’t buy insurance through the marketplace,” says Mayra Casas Jackson, Executive Director of the Immigrant and Refugee Law Center (IRLC). They are not eligible for Medicaid either. That means they must pay out of pocket for every…

Community Health Workers offer Support for Immigrants

Built Environment: Isolation and Support of Immigrants

When immigrants move to a new country, they tend to settle in a neighborhood where immigrants from their country of origin have already built a community. Think about the various Chinatowns and Little Italy neighborhoods in many American cities. Chicago’s neighborhoods represent some good examples. Pilsen originally was home to Czech immigrants; Andersonville provided a…

Social Drivers of Health and Immigration

Social Drivers and Immigration: How Life Circumstances Affect Health

Did you know that having a playground in your neighborhood could affect the health of people who live there? The amount of education you receive? Whether you have a strong community who will support you if you need help? The social drivers of health (SDoH) are factors that affect health. The five SDoH domains are…

Your Donation Dollars Support Community Health

Your Donation Dollars Support Community Health

As we approach the holiday season, many of us anticipate gatherings with loved ones. We look forward to showing care and appreciation for family and friends through sharing time, food and perhaps even gifts. Many of us will also reflect on our charitable giving over the past year. Have we done enough to support the…

Sarah Mills, CEO

PRESS RELEASE: HCAN CEO Departing for New Role 

Health Care Access Now (HCAN) CEO Sarah Mills is leaving HCAN to take on a new role at Partnerships for Advancing Community Health (PACH).  HCAN is dedicated to promoting health equity by addressing the social determinants of health. Through its network of Community Health Workers (CHWs), the organization has been integral to connecting underserved communities…

Community Health Workers provide care for refugees in Cincinnati, Ohio

Kentucky Refugee Ministries: Supporting the State’s Newest Residents

In 2021, Kelsi Sievering was part of the team that opened a Kentucky Refugee Ministries (KRM) office in Covington. The organization had long had a presence in Lexington and in Louisville, where it opened its first office in 1990. As its name suggests, KRM works with people who have been forced to leave their country…

Community Health Workers offer services for immigrant, Cincinnati, Ohio

What We Believe: Public Attitudes on Immigration

We are just three months out from the presidential election, and immigration policy remains a topic of great interest to voters nationwide. Fifty-seven percent of Americans believed dealing with immigration should have been a top policy priority for the current president and Congress this year, according to a Pew Research Center analysis from March. In…

PRESS RELEASE: Health Care Access Now granted $30,000 by PNC Charitable Trust

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Health Care Access Now (HCAN) has been awarded a grant of $30,000 from the Josephine S. Russell Family Charitable Trust of the PNC Charitable Trusts to expand its Community Health Worker (CHW) Certification Program to support maternal and child wellness in racial and ethnic minority populations. The funds will be used to…