Why join the Hub

What is the Pathways Community HUB Institute(SM) Model?
Health Care Access Now (HCAN)’s Community Health Workers (CHWs) use the Pathways Community HUB Institute(SM) Model (PCHI(SM) Model), an evidence-based framework for assessing and overcoming barriers to good health outcomes for program participants. The model tracks program participants’ progress, which is also used to bill insurance and collect payment.
Here’s a hypothetical scenario demonstrating how the PCHI(SM) Model works:
“Lucy” was referred to HCAN by her pastor. She is six months pregnant but has not received prenatal care. Lucy’s CHW discovers that Lucy doesn’t have money for transportation to appointments—so she never tried to find a care provider.
By using the PCHI(SM) Model, the CHW determines that Lucy should complete two pathways: 1) transportation, and 2) primary care home (for finding a provider). The CHW enters those two pathways into Lucy’s account in the shared system. Working together, Lucy and the CHW find solutions to each pathway. The pathways are marked as completed, and the insurance company is billed.
HCAN uses the PCHI(SM) Model in addition to helping partner agencies [link to partner agency page] adopt the system.
Why become a Care Coordination Agency (CCA) using the PCHI(SM) Model?
The PCHI(SM) Model systematizes CHWs’ work and simplifies the billing and accounts payable processes. It benefits CHWs, organizations, and program participants’ alike.
Program participants like the clarity it provides. CHWs appreciate working within a framework. Partner agencies benefit from the way the PCHI(SM) Model collects data and quantifies CHWs’ work, which simplifies billing and drives revenue, reducing grant dependence.

Become a partner and start to benefit.
Email our PCHI(SM) Model Director, Dameta Wright at dwright@healthcareaccessnow.org, or call her at 513-707-5699.