Sign up today! —> Connect with a Community Health Worker. Call 513-707-5697 or complete the online application form.
CHWs work with pregnant people and their families, providing education on topics such as breastfeeding, safe sleep, and smoking cessation. CHWs stay in contact with program participants throughout pregnancy and into [up to two] postpartum years, helping to ensure that the family has what they need to be healthy.
This program is designed to reduce infant mortality and preterm birth (before 32 weeks) and increase birth weight. These issues are especially important for the Black community, which faces disproportionate infant mortality rates that are often associated with delayed prenatal care or preterm birth. Medicaid health plans, physicians, and United Way 211 refer program participants to HCAN—but anyone can request a CHW visit for themselves or others.
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Pregnancy and Family Health Care Coordination services are partially funded by the Ohio Commission on Minority Health and Cradle Cincinnati. HCAN maintains contracts with all of the Ohio Medicaid Managed Care Plans. HCAN partners with local agencies in Butler and Hamilton counties to ensure that services are not duplicated and agencies can work together by sharing information and improving quality of care.