Health Care Access Now client testimonials

Good influence, great results: HCAN client story

Stephanie had lost her home. She and her family were living in a hotel and didn’t have regular access to nutritious food. To complicate matters, Stephanie suffers from a chronic illness that affects her daily. She needs multiple medications to manage her condition, and when she’s sick, she can’t work. Enter Jessica Hines, Community Health…

7 Tips for Safe Gun Ownership

7 tips for safe gun ownership

Gun owners have special responsibilities. The following tips are recommended for safe gun ownership: 1. Lock up your weapons. When not carrying your gun, make certain that it’s appropriately stored. That doesn’t just mean hiding it! You can both lock your gun with a trigger or cable lock and/or place it in a locked safe…

Health is not just health care, Cincinnati, Ohio
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Health is not just determined by health care: Surviving isn’t enough 

The study of the intersection of social sciences and physical health has revealed that good health outcomes are profoundly affected by life and demographic factors. According to the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, a division of the Department of Health and Human Services, there are five domains into which social determinants of health…

Domestic Violence and Gun Safety in Cincinnati, Ohio
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The role of weapons in domestic and intimate partner violence

Power and control. That’s what domestic violence is about.  When you add a firearm into the equation, “Survivors experience a high level of fear because they know the reality of weapons. It can cause them to make extreme choices for their safety,” says Amy Bleser, Chief Operations Officer at Women Helping Women. “It’s a very…

Gun safety in schools in Cincinnati, Ohio improves the health of communities.

What does it mean to be safe in school?

School shootings happen regularly. According to Education Week’s school shooting tracker, in 2023, there have been 30 school shootings with injuries (32 people) or deaths (16 people, 12 students, four adults). One of those shootings was in Columbus, Ohio, at Eakin Elementary School, where “a 12-year-old boy was shot and injured during school dismissal.” And,…

PRESS RELEASE: HCAN granted $33 thousand by Truist Foundation

The Truist Foundation has granted Health Care Access Now (HCAN) $33 thousand to expand its Community Health Worker (CHW) certification program.  HCAN aims to realize a 67% increase in recruitment, training, and graduation of individuals through the CHW certification program, creating more entry-level career opportunities for those who become certified.  [LEARN MORE: What is a…

Gun violence and public health

Firearm statistics: Local, state, and national

Gun violence is a health care issue; it’s “a leading cause of premature death in the U.S.,” according to the American Public Health Association.  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recognizes firearm violence as having a “tremendous impact on America’s overall safety and wellbeing,” recommending a “public health approach” to mitigate its effect.  It’s…

Preparing parents for birth, Cradle Cincinnati
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How Cradle Cincinnati helps birthing parents address stress for better outcomes

“Social determinants of health are stressors that relate to physical health.” So says Dr. Meredith Shockley-Smith, Executive Director of Cradle Cincinnati, Field Service Assistant Professor at UC Medical Center, and Founder of Queens Village. “And chronic, prolonged stress just magnifies [health] problems.”  Consistent access to nutritious food, affordable and suitable housing, and transportation are just…

Self-care for Community Health Workers, Cincinnati, Ohio

Boundaries as self-care: How caregivers (like CHWs) avoid burnout

Community Health Workers (CHWs) see people in crisis every day. Program participants might not have enough to eat or a safe place to live. They might be suffering from a chronic illness. It’s rewarding for CHWs to watch program participants make positive changes and overcome barriers. Those changes can have a profound effect on community…