35 events found.
Community Events & Resources
On this page you will find events and resources to better the health of our community. To list your event please submit the online form.
On this page you will find events and resources to better the health of our community. To list your event please submit the online form.
Every Thursday---Participants receive breastfeeding support from an on-staff lactation specialist, as well as education and resources to support them on their journey. Light refreshments are provided. Young children and support persons are welcome! For more information, please reach out to Kimberly McGinnis at 513-917-0608 or kmcginnis2@mercy.com
Every Thursday---Participants receive breastfeeding support from an on-staff lactation specialist, as well as education and resources to support them on their journey. Light refreshments are provided. Young children and support persons are welcome! For more information, please reach out to Kimberly McGinnis at 513-917-0608 or kmcginnis2@mercy.com
Santa Maria Community Services will Host a Spring Health Fair on Saturday April 13, 2024. More details will follow. 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Arco Cincy 3301 Price Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45205
Queens Village would like to invite expecting families to Mama's Blessing : A Rite To Passage Celebration! An intentional communal celebration to pamper and shower Black expecting moms with love, blessings and support before giving birth. An event that derives from a African tradition in which the expectant mother and her closest family/friends gather to...
Every Thursday---Participants receive breastfeeding support from an on-staff lactation specialist, as well as education and resources to support them on their journey. Light refreshments are provided. Young children and support persons are welcome! For more information, please reach out to Kimberly McGinnis at 513-917-0608 or kmcginnis2@mercy.com
CHWs and supervisors are invited and encouraged to attend these engaging learning and networking opportunities. Topic: Stop the bleed
Every Thursday---Participants receive breastfeeding support from an on-staff lactation specialist, as well as education and resources to support them on their journey. Light refreshments are provided. Young children and support persons are welcome! For more information, please reach out to Kimberly McGinnis at 513-917-0608 or kmcginnis2@mercy.com
Join All Moms Empowered to Nurse every Friday 3-5 p.m. for breastfeeding support. Kroger gift cards will be given to Cincinnati moms. FREE online group ---> Register here to attend.
Join Amerihealth Caritas, A1 Stigma Free, and Health Care Access Now for a community health event focusing on substance abuse recovery, harm reduction, and housing resources. Amerihealth's Mobile Wellness Center will be present, providing harm reduction supplies, screenings, assessments, and other resources.
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